Thursday, January 17, 2013


It has now been over 7 months since Remy came to live with us. We could not have adopted a better dog for our family! Remy brings the right mix of energy and love to our home. He is our first dog so we are all learning together and it has been very exciting. Remy came to us already trained in many behaviors and we have all tried to continue the training and adapt it to our home. He has even learned to ignore our 8 year old cats, Jake and Lilly, some of the time. They are not quite as accepting of Remy as the rest of the family but they become more used to Remy everyday.
Remy's favorite activity is his morning 40 minute walk and we try to take that each day--rain, wind and snow don't seem to bother Remy. He also enjoys fetch, jumping over box lids for treats, and, of course, tug.
We are proud to have adopted Remy and working with LOLIN for the past year has made me realize what wonderful work the organization does.
Thank you again for assisting us in adopting Remy!